Welcome to the home page of
The Tomoka Faceters Guild
Our next meeting will be on Saturday the 19th of April at 2:00pm.
We meet on a given Saturday of the month from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at the Flagler County Public Library located at 2500 Palm Coast Parkway, N.W., Palm Coast, FL 32137. Their phone number is (386) 446-6763. Exceptions this year: No meeting in October and November meeting is on the 30th.
Next year's meetings are as follows:
April 19th at 2pm
May 24th at 2pm
September 6th at 2pm
October 4th at 2pm
November 22nd at 2pm
Our purpose is to promote and support the art of faceting through sharing and teaching, with a special focus in introducing others to this special hobby.
Each meeting includes a main instructional topic, Demos, "Cut of the Month and Show and Tell" where we show stones we've recently cut, share ideas, ask and answer questions, etc., all with the emphasis on keeping it light and enjoyable! TFG Dues are $15 per year ( $20 for Family). We keep the business portions of our regular meetings to less than 15 minutes, so that we can better spend our time demonstrating, showing off our stones and sharing lots of practical tips and how-to-do's.
Faceting classes are offered by Tom Mitchell of Mitchell Jewelry Studio. Their website is www.mitchelljewelrystudio.com or you may call Tom at home (352) 751-0906 or on his cell (352) 446-4866.
In addition, instruction is offered from time to time on various other advanced topics, ranging from Mastering the Ceramic Lap to WinGemCad , Free-Form Stones and many other topics. Once or twice a year we invite guest speakers to share their expertise and at times we also have rock and gem sales or an auction at meetings.
You may request more information by email: reedslapidary@aol.com, info@tomokafacetersguild.org or tommitchellgems@gmail.com.
This site is hosted by Mitchell Jewelry Studio and Reeds Lapidary.
Mitchell Jewelry Studio teaches faceting and includes Hobby Time Photos (www.hobbytimephotos.com). You can also find them at www.mitchelljewelrystudio.com and on Instagram at jewelryuniqueness.
Reeds Lapidary buys and sells new and used lapidary equipment. They specialize in faceting machines. You can reach them at reedslapidary@aol.com or call and leave a message at (386) 277-2102.